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  1. Privacy Statement.

Dee respects the privacy of her clients. What is said in a session, stays in a session. Your anonymity is maintained, unless you give permission for it to be known. Example in testimonials, or podcasts. Due to the nature of the work, we utilize a third-party platform, Zoom, to conduct our sessions, all of which are recorded. You receive a copy. These are then deleted at our end after one month. Dee keeps all notes from each session in non-digital format, which are filed in a safe place for future reference if necessary. Dee also stays in contact via phone, voice message or sometimes Instagram voice message, following a session, none of which guarantees absolute privacy, given this technological world of ours. We also use PayPal as our payment platform, which has its own Privacy statement, to keep your payment and identity details secure. We also use Mail Chimp as a way for you to sign up to newsletters. Mail Chimp has their own privacy guidelines as to protecting third party information. You can unsubscribe at any time or email us to stop receiving any updates from us.

  1. Terms and Conditions

Personal Responsibility
Please read this carefully before you consider working with Dee. Dee has been both a practitioner and a student in the personal development arena for nearly four decades. She has seen and experienced both exceptionally great work, and more often than not, the very opposite. She chooses to treat her clients the way she herself wants to be treated. With deep respect, care and desire for the highest outcome. Entering into a working relationship with Dee means you are supported by her high duty of
care. She will only work with you if she knows there will be a better outcome. However, in all relationships, it takes two. Dee does not make claim to ‘fix you, solve all your problems or make you whole’. You, and only you can do that yourself when given guidance, permission, knowledge and reconnection with self. To do that Dee asks you to take full responsibility for your part in the process. To show up on time, to listen and receive the transmissions, to do the home practices as detailed, to ask questions, to be actively involved in the process, to seek help and clarification every step along the way if necessary. That way, the desired results are so much easier to achieve, to adopt and then to integrate.

Personal responsibility is the cornerstone of this work. Both for Dee, and her clients. And clear, clean communication is the key.
All clients committing to working with Dee personally, for one month or more, and the Catapult Programme, will be asked to sign an agreement detailing both Dee’s role and duty of care, and the actions and responsibility to be accepted by the client.
That way, we agree to agree. And have a clear working relationship, moving forward.

When purchasing a Single Pearl Pendulum Transmission
Each transmission can be accessed multiple times via your account when you purchase a transmission. Each time you receive again, it will be different. Clients are advised to listen to transmissions alone, whilst seated comfortably, not distracted, nor driving. And to allow at least thirty minutes to process the session, before returning to daily activities. Clients are encouraged to contact Dee with feedback, observations or questions, via email or the Instagram message app. Dee will answer within forty-eight hours or sooner where possible.

Intellectual Property
There is no true way of protecting intellectual property in this digital age. However, we request that all the transmissions you purchase and access via your account, are for your eyes and ears only, unless discussed with Dee, (for example, a direct family member might benefit). The reason for this is so Dee can follow the progress of each client and is able to support if required, wherever possible. This is her, and her Light Team’s duty of care.

Dee is neither a qualified psychologist nor medical practitioner. The work she does is unique, and has safeguards built in, by the very nature of the way each Pendulum operates. Clients often come to Dee when the work they have done with other practitioners has had little or no result. Each client comes to Dee under their own free will, usually after a joint discovery call during which the whole process is explained. Each client is guided through a process to take increasing responsibility for their path forward. This is discussed in each step along the way. Dee neither tells them what to do, nor dictates an outcome. Each client is responsible for their choices.

Fee, invoicing and payment
All sessions are to be pre-paid before the start/delivery date, upon receipt of invoice. Within reason, should a client not be able to make a session, for unforeseen circumstances, they will not forgo the fee, but Dee will re-schedule the session.