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“In a time of extraordinary change, we live with extraordinary opportunity.
However, we can’t take the old with us through the proverbial eye of the
needle. So, to transverse to the new, we must travel light.
Welcome to Light and Co, an elegant one-stop landing place to bring clarity
into your relationships, your business, YOUR BODY, and your life, moving forward.”

Dee Light, Founder



Light and Co

Dee has the gifted knack of seeing the biggest picture, and distilling it into sizable, easy to digest steps. Her capacity to take a dilemma and uncover the way out, is an everyday challenge she sees as part of her role in these dynamic times.

For Dee, there is always a solution. A path forward. Dee has studied and applied many modalities over the last forty years and has distilled them down to the basic steps that get results. So, you can respond to life, not react; engage with life and not shrink back.

Her vast background includes working in a government position with classified clearance, to working in the glossy world of advertising and the unpredictable world of fashion, to teaching accelerated Japanese language to 3,000 staff of a loved airline, to establishing an ultra-natural skincare and perfume company with her husband, for more visit, to now working with a cross section of clients to assist them to find stability, inspiration and clarity in times of great change.

An author, a speaker, a spouse, a CEO, a mother, an insightful listener; everything she says, she uncovers, comes from deeply lived experience. She’s the living, breathing example of walking your talk. She walks with you, not to ‘fix’ you, but to help you find and open your own door, to your new life.

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How is Working With Dee Different?

Light and Co

Dee’s pragmatic nature seeks expansion. She seeks the most elegant, efficient, economical, effective solution to whatever challenge is presented. And to do so she works with quite an extraordinary team.

But before we meet them, we need to enter the world of frequency, resonance and vibration, the world of energy.

For everything is energy, including all the behaviour, beliefs, the by-products of life that we carry with us. Whether in business, or relationships or our health.

What if we could de frag our lives, return to our factory setting so to speak, and then download our new upgraded operating system, with ease? Well, now we can.

Introducing The Pearl Pendulums

Light and Co

It’s a long story, too long for here, for how they came into existence is all part of the art of truly following the internal voice.

The Pearl Pendulums are a one-of-a-kind suite of unique, powerful Instruments of Light. They are here for this time, to precipitate exponential change. Yes, those are real jewels, real pearls, diamonds and gold, designed by a master Italian geometer to Dee’s specifications, and hand manufactured by a dedicated team.

For more, visit

In short, they offer a ground-breaking new gateway to the Divine Solution to each and every challenge. We cannot solve a problem from the level at which it was created, we must now go higher, to seek and engage energetic assistance that is now clearly available to us. When we ask. And ONLY when we are willing.

How frequency works in our everyday life

Light and Co

Dr David Hawkins has shown us that there is an elegant way to measure energy, and here we refer to his Map of Consciousness.

There is nothing surprising about this hierarchy of emotions, we all instinctively know shame and guilt are a different feeling in the body to joy and love. Two live at 50 points and below, and two live at 500 points and above. Heavy versus light. Contraction versus expansion. Suppression versus expression. And so it goes.

With the help of the Pearl Pendulums and their exquisite sacred geometry, together with Dee’s mathematical insight and instinctive use of a collection of detailed charts, we can drill down precisely to where the energy is stuck, where it originates from, and then recalibrate it efficiently. Objectively. Without pain. Or effort.

The Pendulums literally clear the crud, bring clarity to a situation, and open the door to a higher possibility, which is available to those who choose it.

This works highly effectively for business and company structures as well. Everything can be addressed. Relationships, compromised health, body dysmorphia and eating disorders, as well as a client’s individual sense of meaning, purpose and direction.

All follow similar patterns when we approach the work from a high altitude. Everything has a divine blueprint, including us, including a company, including a primary relationship. The pendulums simply point to and uncover the sacred patterns in all. And then recalibrate them to a higher frequency. At the end of each session, solutions appear, confusion falls away, and the next expansive, spacious choice reveals itself. Like unravelling a gordian knot.

It is a process not of learning, but of REMEMBERING.

Not of healing, but of REVEALING.

Across time.

How Do I Work With Dee?

Light and Co

In a number of ways. All designed to expedite change, in your time, at warp speed or a steady pace. Be it your body, your relationship, anxiety, trauma, your business, family dynamics, all can be addressed, with functional awareness.

We work either one-on-one for a deep immersion for fast track, integrated change, or we work on-line with a pre-recorded programme with Dee’s oversight as we go.

Either approach includes a select series of transmissions with The Pendulums, all which are timeless in nature. Meaning each time you revisit a session, you will receive even more recalibration. Which leads to greater awareness, and greater freedom of discerning choice.

The change is only limited by your capacity to open, receive, integrate and expand. Ad infinitum.

Getting Started

Deirdre Light - Light&Co.

One-on-One Sessions

The Catapult Programme

The Catapult Programme

Doing Business in the New Paradigm

Doing Business in the New Paradigm

Eating disorders and body dysmorphia

Eating Disorders and Body Dysmorphia

Pearl pendulums

Single Pearl Pendulum Transmissions